2025 Alumni Weekend
May 2-3, 2025
at PAA
Honor Classes: '50 (75-year class), ‘55, ‘65, ‘75 (50-year class), ‘85, ‘95, ‘00 (25-year class), ‘05, ‘15, ‘20 (5-year class)
* Golden Agers Dinner - May 2, 2025, 6 PM - Welcoming alumni from '75 and earlier.
Contact Bob Winter '53 at (503) 784-2614 for information and to RSVP.
* Sabbath Worship Service - May 3, 2025, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM - Speaker: Dr. Terry Johnsson; Roll Call, PAA Update, music by PAA's Alegria and Bell Banto.
* Honor Class Photos - directly following Worship Service
* Lunch follows the Worship Service - no charge - donations accepted
* Class Reunion Meetings - 2 pm - on campus and as planned​
Honor Class Agents:
Class of '75- Iselin (Jensen) Scholten: Iselinscholten@gmail.com or Greg Leno: gregoryleno@gmail.com
Class of '85- Marcy (Belcher) Perry: marcyrp@gmail.com or Lora (Greenlaw) Thornton: thornton.home@comcast.net
Class of '95- Chuck McKinney: chuckm1188@gmail.com, 503.807.4276 or Breanne Nelson: breannenelson2020@gmail.com, 503.201.3611
Class of '05- James Lee, jajlee@gmail.com or Brittany (Leno) Mitchell, bllmitchell@hotmail.com or 909-213-3059
Class of '05 FB page: https://fb.me/g/H0Ks7ZUGo/mMlrsuLz
Plan to join classmates, friends and the PAA family for the 2025 Alumni Reunion.
Questions? Need help with planning or contacting your Honor Class classmates?
Contact the Alumni / Development Office at 971-351-9028 or alumni@paasda.org.
If you have graduated from, attended or worked at PUA / PAA,
we consider you "alumni."
2025 Cougar Athletics Hall of Fame: Oct. 4, 2025 at PAA
Honoring the 2015 Cougar Men's Soccer team, State Champions.
Update Your Contact Info
Classmates and friends want to know what you’re up to!
We’ll share it in the Alumni News section of the Vista Verde newsletter. Please take a few moments to update your information.​
Share your name and maiden name
Year(s) you attended PAA and/or graduated
Where you’re living and working
Where you attend church
and if you have kids and/or grandkids
or other updates you'd like to share with classmates and friends

Let's Connect!
We invite you to join our private PAA Alumni Facebook group. Get in touch with “old” friends and teachers. Share memories, pictures, and make plans for class reunions. Join by clicking HERE! Keep in touch with PAA and all the alumni news and events by updating your contact information HERE. For more information contact the Development & Alumni Office at 503-255-8372 ext. 218 or by emailing Director of Development, U'Lee Brown ubrown@paasda.org.
Alumni Weekend Archives
Watch the May 4, 2024 sermon at the Alumni Sabbath service here, presented by Pastor Dick Duerksen. The full worship service can be viewed on YouTube here.
Watch the May 6, 2023 recorded Alumni Sabbath service here.
Thanks to members of the Class of 1993 for participating in our worship service. Guest speaker: Pastor Jose Vicente Rojas
Special thanks again to our friends and neighbors at Sunnyside SDA Church. Also thanks to guest speaker, Dr. Karl Haffner, VP at Loma Linda University; PAA’s music department Alegria, Bel Canto, and soloists.
Special thanks to our friends and neighbors at Sunnyside SDA Church. Also thanks to guest speaker, Dr. John McVay, Walla Walla University president; PAA’s music department String Ensemble, Alegria, Bel Canto, and soloists.