Fine Arts
At Portland Adventist Academy, students are encouraged to explore the creative process through a variety of art forms. That means working collaboratively, thinking independently, articulating opinions, critiquing constructively, researching effectively, developing their voice, creative problem-solving, and building self-confidence and respect while discovering and develop unique strengths. Most importantly, students discover a sense of wonder, curiosity, and imagination about the world surrounding us as well as a sincere respect for their Divine Creator.
This course is designed to teach the skills necessary to produce a variety of publications in a deadline-driven environment. Students will learn organization and communication skills in a team/group oriented environment. A major focus of the class is designing the school yearbook. Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Lightroom will be the main software used, as well as Josten’s Monarch for yearbook production.
Visual Arts
From Foundations of Visual Arts to an Advanced course and even a College Portfolio Projects & Preparation course, students learn the technical skills, creative process and principles of creative thinking to express and communicate visually. Some of the options in the advanced course are projects in Drawing, Acrylic Painting, Ceramics, Fused Glass, Metals Sculpture, Fabric Design, 3D Imaging and Printing.
Media Arts
This elective course covers the basic principles of graphic design, photography (including photo retouching, enhancements, and manipulation), as well as the basic principles of TV and film production (including script writing and editing). The students learn the elements and rules of art and design, studio lighting basics, subject identification and composition. The class covers camera usage and settings.
The following are the technology courses we offer at PAA.
AP Computer Science Principles
Computer Applications
Game Design & Robotics
Auto Mechanics
These are courses in which students will learn everything from Google Workspace to TEXTRIX robots to vehicle lubrication, tune-up and oil changes.