Performing Arts
Portland Adventist Academy has a rich and successful history of music. Students of all levels are encouraged and welcome to experience its gift. Students can participate in Concert Band, Alegria, Choir, and the Portland Adventist String Orchestra (PASO). Students can also grow their skills in the Hand Bell Choir, the Gospel Choir Club, or join by joining a PAA Worship Band. They can challenge themselves with guitar and theory class. Advanced students can take Performance & Production classes where they learn editing and recording skills in a professional recording studio with state-of-the-art equipment and instruments.
Choir is a non-auditioned elective course offered to students who wish to continue singing and developing their voice and ear-training. Students are exposed to a broad range of musical styles including classical, contemporary, swing, popular, and sacred pieces. Choir performs approximately 10 times per year at Featured Church performances, community events, Christmas and Spring concerts, Feast and Fanfare Fundraiser, and during the required Music Tour
This elective course is designed to give students a graduated growth experience on the stage, from simple beginning activities and skits to the more complex plays. Students begin with imagination stretching, simple pantomimes, characterization, improvisation, simple vocal production, memorized scene work and beginning auditioning techniques.
Alegria is the select choral group at Portland Adventist Academy. The group focuses mainly on acapella vocal technique. To become a member of Alegria, you must be a member of Choir, complete an audition, and be selected by the director. Alegria performs approximately 15-20 times per year at Featured Church performances, community events, Christmas and spring concerts, Alumni Weekend, and during the required Music Tour.
Bell Canto
Handbells is an auditioned group that focuses on a wide range of medium to advanced music for handbells and handchimes.
Handbells performs frequently at Featured Church performances, community events, Christmas and spring concerts, a fundraiser concert, Alumni weekend, and music tour
Band is a non-auditioned elective course offered to students who wish to continue playing their instruments in an award-winning band. Students are exposed to a broad range of musical styles including classical, contemporary, swing, popular, and sacred pieces. Performances include our Christmas & Spring concerts, Featured Church performances, and a required Music Tour each spring.
& Production
Music Performance and Production covers the live and studio aspects of playing the guitar or instrument of your choice. Proficiency is required. Topics covered include: Guitar/instrument sounds and styles, repertoire development, stage presentation, studio playing and comprehension, and multi-track recording.
String Orchestra
Portland Adventist String Orchestra (PASO) is an audition-based group. The String Orchestra’s mission is to provide music for sacred and secular events both on and off campus, to provide an opportunity for string musicians to learn ensemble technique, to improve personal skill, to learn music theory and history, and to build teamwork.
Gospel Choir Club
The Gospel Choir club offers students a chance to learn a unique singing style and praise God through cultural history. Mrs. Tina Cooper shares her talent, passion, and love of Christ through music with these young singers.
The PAA Gospel Choir meets after school on Fridays. Once a year, our Gospel Choir performs at Walla Walla University's Black History Month festival of Choirs.