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Mourning the Sudden Loss of a Student

     Portland Adventist Academy

News Release: November 7, 2020 | Updated November 13, 2020 Contact Liesl Vistaunet Communications Coordinator

Phoenix Forman’s memorial service was live streamed November 12 and is now available to see HERE. It was held at Pleasant Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church and led by Pastor Gene Heinrich.  


Portland Adventist Academy is saddened to report the loss of one of our students.

Phoenix Forman was killed instantly in a car accident last night, Friday, November 6, 2020.

We ask you to pray for his family, loved ones, and friends as they process this heartbreaking loss.

Phoenix was a junior at PAA and is loved by many. Before PAA, he attended our sister school, Portland Adventist Elementary School. Together, we grieve.

“His smile could light up a room,” says PAA Principal Mechelle Peinado. “He was very loyal and would move mountains for his friends. He will be deeply mourned and missed by his PAA family.”

In this time of sorrow, our chaplain, bible teachers, and staff have already been connecting with students to provide support and prayer. Our church pastors are also reaching out to PAA students in their congregations. We will soon be offering professional grief counseling for our school family.

While we are not legally allowed to gather as a school family, our administration is working with area pastors to coordinate pandemic appropriate ways to remember Phoenix and celebrate his life.

In the meantime, we ask you to join us in prayer for Phoenix’s family. We also ask you to pray for our students as well as our staff as we comfort and grieve with each other.

On this Sabbath day, we embrace the words of our school verse and motto:

What does the Lord require of us, but to do justice, love kindness and to walk humbly with our God. Micah 6:8.

May we find comfort in the arms of Jesus as he holds us in through this storm. May we always and faithfully “Walk Together In Love.”

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