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Three Ways to Support Inside Out Service Day

Every spring, for nearly a decade, Portland Adventist Academy students and teachers blanket the city of Portland for Inside Out Service Day. And this year, we’ll be at it again on May 23!

Parents, pastors, and church members are a vital resource to this event! We hope YOU will join this awesome effort to show love to our city. Below, we’ve listed three things you can do to help. And if you’re still not sure, contact Pastor Monte at

1. Nominate an organization and or people who we can partner with. Do you volunteer at a local food bank? Do you work for a non-profit organization? How can we help these services and who can we contact? Last year we had a blast at ReStore, a feeder organization of Habitat for Humanity.

2. Help us financially. There are quite a few costs involved in making this day possible. T-shirts, sunscreen, water, snacks, work supplies are all things that will be needed. Your assistance helps us keep Campus Ministry events running smoothly.  – – – And just look at those sharp T-shirts (designed by a student!)! This helps people know we’re a team and we’re here on purpose.

3. Join us for the adventure! You’ll get to spend some quality time with young people…. awesome young people…. doing something that matters. Based on your availability and skill level, we’ll assign you to one of the teams. We need drivers, supervisors, and sometimes unique skill sets. If you have an expertise, like landscaping, building maintenance, or are just great with people, your skills will help!

We begin the day with community worship at 8:30am at PAA. We’ll get our assignments, load our vehicles and head out to our various work sites and all be back to PAA by or before 3:30pm.

All volunteers must complete a background check. Download the form in English HERE or in Spanish HERE. If you have completed this form in the last two years, you have already been approved. If you’re not sure, check with Pastor Monte (

And THANK YOU for building and supporting our awesome community. It feels GREAT to be God’s hands and feet in our city.

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