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You Helped Make This Possible

Sam Vigil Jr.

We witnessed a powerful moment at the end of the school year. And you made it possible.

Let’s set the scene.

It was the final all-school chapel of the school year, and the last chapel at PAA for the Class of 2023 seniors.

It was the last time this exact same group of students would be together for chapel.

After a praise band made up of seniors led worship music, five seniors took the stage and shared “senior wisdom” – opening their hearts and sharing what they had learned, so other students could make the most of their remaining years at PAA.

A few recurring themes were: Get to know your teachers. Get involved. Get to know your classmates and students in other classes.

As the praise band led the final song to end chapel, students put their arms on the shoulders of their friends on either side, and sang and swayed together with the music.

It wasn’t just a few who did this.

It was the entire chapel. The short rows of students on the wings. The long rows of students in the middle. From the front row to the back, singing and swaying with the music, side by side in unity.

And then it happened.

The junior and senior boys in the last row invited two male teachers standing at the back wall to join them in their row. And they stepped in.

Throughout the chapel, students and teachers joined in unity, worshipping and singing praises together one last time as the school year was drawing to a close.

We sensed the presence of God was in our midst.

That moment is just one example of the essence of PAA.

A Christ-Centered environment. Where students and teachers genuinely and personally connect. And teachers endeavor to demonstrate Jesus’ love for them.

Yes, students are here to get an education. But it’s not just any education. It’s Christ-Centered, Character-Driven education.

Yes, sometimes dealing with teens gets “messy.” After all, we’re human – and life gets messy for all of us sometimes

And because PAA’s teachers genuinely care for each and every student, because they care about each student’s eternal destiny, students respond and open their hearts to relationships with their teachers and with Jesus Christ.

Evidence of God working on the PAA campus can be seen in the 20 students who asked for and were baptized during the course of the school year.

You have helped to make that happen. Thank you! We are grateful for you.

When students are able to attend PAA because of your giving, they encounter Jesus Christ in the classroom, hallways, shop, art, gym, PE, athletics, and more.

They experience Christ-Centered teachers, dedicated to leading and guiding young men and women to Jesus Christ, who form genuine relationships with them that have an eternal impact.

Your support of PAA has eternal impact, too.

Your giving to support student scholarships, facilities, music, athletics, classes, mission trips or any other area, opens doors and provides the place and space for students to encounter Jesus Christ, who transforms their lives for eternity.

Thank you! Thank you for your generosity in supporting students at PAA.

If you’re so inclined to consider giving a gift at this time to help PAA’s students, you may do so securely online at or by calling Sam Vigil Jr. in the Development Office at 971-351-9028.


© 2023 Portland Adventist Academy
1500 SE 96th Ave. Portland, OR 97216 USA
Phone: 503.255.8372
Fax: 503.255.5132
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